Wordpress Plugins

How to integrate MailOptin with zoho API V2

how to sync MailOptin datas with Zoho API V2

To integrate your “MailOptin” datas with Zoho Api V2 do the following:

Download the plugin Miraget Connector from the list of available plugins, for this go to plugins then search for Miraget

How to integrate OptIn Monster with SalesForce OAuth connection

Then follow the steps below :

  1. In the MiragetConnector admin panel, under data source input type and select “MailOptin” plugin
  2.  Select Zoho in System Target
  3. in the API Version choose API v2
  4. Choose if you want to update CRM or not (yes will update if the data existing in your target, no will insert only)
  5.   Fill all the input field with your Zoho API v2 OAuth credentials
  6. Choose Data Center
  7.  Click “Save all changes” , and it’s donne


Your feed will start working within few hours in real time.